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30 June 2009

Not everything can be share and understand by everyone.

23 June 2009

Cooking Evolution!

So! while looking after my parents shop yesterday, sunddenly I was thinking about what to cook for dinner. (has been cooking dinner since I return from KL, to reduced mum stress of cooking and conducting her tuition class at the same time).Mum! Your Great!

Due to not having lunch, my tummy was yelling while I was thinking of some dishes to cooking for dinner. So after thinking for 1/2 hour on what to cook. I came up with a lazy idea which is easy and healthy...hehhehe...which is to steam a whole chicken and stuff it with lots of vegetable. So got meat got veg.....

So when mum fetch me back home, we stop by Moneygain and buy some mix vegetable (peas, corn and carrot) and some potatoes.So home we went....

There is when all things start to change. I decided to change and add another dish. Well, mashed potatoes. So, with only the knowledge that mashed potatoes are made out of potatoes, I quickly when to Youtube to look for cooking lesson about mashed potatotes. For it and I started boiling my potatoes at 6pm.

After boiling it for around 45 minutes, the potatoes were finally soft. I smashed it all, add salt, papper, butter and milk. Stir it on the wok with slow fire for around 5 minutes adding milk once a while to have a creamer texture. So there are my mashed potatoes. Then my little bro came in

Elisha: Eh! what you cooking?
Anna: Food loh! Eh! Dun disturb me... I got chicken to steam some more...
Elisha: Ok! I give you 50 seconds to go youtube to learn on how to make the gravy for the mashed potatoes.
Anna: Ah! lazy! You want you make lah.
Elisha: Bah! Later you finish steaming the chicken! I make the gravy....

So, I started to stuff the chicken with mushroom and the mix veg that are marinated with salt and pepper. The chicken was marinated with osyter sauce.

Then while I was waiting for the chicken to be cook. I went and open the wok. Well, when you steam chicken and food you will always end up with extra sauce in the plate. My bro saw it.

Elisha: Eh! pour the sauce inside the pot here.
Anna: For what?
Elisha: To make the gravy for the chicken and mashed potatoes lah.
Anna: Can or not oh?
Elisha: Can lah! Faster!
Anna: Ok..ok...

So I pour the sauce in the pot and continue to steam the chicken since it was not fully cook yet.

5 minutes later.

My bro came with the garvy. Guess what? The garvy tasted the same with KFC mashed potatoes gravey.

So that is what happen when Anna is in charge of cooking and she didn't plan what to cook.

Ps: My bro (Elisha) is really a good cook! Will miss his cooking when I'm back to KL.

Anna aka Bell Bell

21 June 2009

Your Tagged!!

Ok...Li Chin..Finnaly I'm getting to your tag....Here it goes...
1. Apakah hubungan awak dengan dia (insan yang menge-TAG anda?)
Insan yang mengetag saya bernama Li Chin. Hubungan beliau dengan saya adalah rakan sekelas dalam krusus yang sama.
2. 5 impressions terhadap si dia.
1. Lawa
2. Kreative
3. Memberi usaha 100% dalam segala perkara yang dilakukan.
4. Rakan borak dan pendengar yang baik.
5. Seorang gimrama yang berpotensi tinggi.
3. Perkara yang paling memorable dia pernah lakukan kat awak?
Dia lakukan pada saya? Hmmm..... tak dapat ingat lah...tapi dua perkara yang sentiasa terpahat dalam memori saya adalah semasa kita berjalan bersama - sama ke Jaya 1 untuk makan tengah hari dan sambutan hari jadi Li Chin yang penuh kegilaan.
4. Perkara paling memorable dia cakap kat awak?
Anna The Little Banana
5. Kalau dia kekasih awak, awak akan?
Tak mungkin, sebab saya berminat pada lelaki. Berdosalah..kekasih wanita...hahahhaha.....
6. Kalau dia jadi musuh anda, anda akan?
Layan dia seperti biasa, setiap orang memerlukan peluang kedua, ketiga and seterusnya.
7. Kalau dia kekasih anda, dia perlu improve dlm...?
Senyum lebih banyak dan ketawa lebih kuat.
8. Soalan 8 tak dapat dijumpai dalam tag in.
9. Overall impression tentang dia?
Seseorang yang sering menberi yang terbaik dalam usaha yang diberikan.
10. The most desirable thing to do with her/him?
Entah... Saya tak suka rancang banyak - banyak...biarlah semua perkara terjadi sendirinya...lebih seronok dan syok.
11. Apakah anda rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap anda?
Cakap banyak, Suka control, ingat diri pandai sangat.
12. The character of you for yourself...
Lol... sebenarnya kalau diberi peluang, saya tak suka bercampur gaul dengan orang lebih suka membuat perkara seorang diri, tetapi tabiat in tak baik oleh itu saya sentiasa memaksa diri untuk bercampur gaul dan untuk menyerlahkan lagi diri.
13. on the contrary, the character you hate about yourself...
Seorang yang terlalu bercita - cita tinggi tetapi apabila tiba masa untuk menyempurnakan cita cita tersebut barulah sedar bahawa cita - cita tersebuat tak tercapai.
14. The ideal person you want to be with
Keluaraga dan orang tersayang.
15. For people who like you, tell something to them...
Terima kasih atas usaha yang dicurahkan keatas insan ini. Saya berjanji untuk menjalani hidup ku dengan sepenuhnya dan turut mencurahkan kasih sayang dan kegembiraan kepada kamu semua juga.
1. Put this badge (above) in your awesome blog.
2. Award this badge to 10 bloggers whom you think are inspirational and friendly.
3. Make sure you put the 'recipients' names here, along with their links.
4. Let them know about this.
Oleh itu, saya menge-TAG anda di bawah ini..
4) Zhong Wen aka colis - http://colistzw.blogspot.com/
I will tagged extra one..hehhehe...
Bye! Happy Tagging

05 June 2009

Botanical Garden

Monday: My sister (Abigail) and I wnet to Labuan Botanical Garden to have a jog. Lol...we only jog half of the garden then....cannot liao....hampus......lol....so we took some picture.... the garden has change on the outside....a bit on the inside...but still like always...very quiet...at the end of our jog...there are only my sis and I and the workers that mantain the garden...scary....lol.....
My sis took this pic....not from botanical garden..but at my house fence.....

The wall that they have builded around the garden.....

Selamat Datang Taman Botanikal W.P Labuan

The enterance to the garden.

From the enterance will lead to this long path leading to a bridge furthur on....

The map of the garden...maybe we can organize explore race at this garden... not bad....

One of the newer chair....so 38 lah me...chair also wanna take...hehhehe.....

This picture was taken from the left side of the garden...the bridge at the far end is the bridge that leads from the long path I mentioned earlier....

Took this while walking very fast...just wanna see what is the effect!...38 mah.....

This is the road after the lake just now with the bridge..... leading to the skate park which no one has skate before....
The tree house you will see once you cross the bridge........I didn't wan to go up scare roboh.....lol....
Take from the right hand side of the garden near the swimming pool...
This is a little bit of Sunway Lagoon that Labuanies can enjoy.....lol...

Children Pool....
On the way to the boat house....where there is no boat....

Getting nearer to the boat house...

Here we are.... at the deck.....

See...I told you no boat wan....hahahahha......

Came fishing here once...but didn't catch any fish....

Random shot!
Random too....it will be nicer if there were more flowers and the place was clearner.....

Ooopppsss...forgot to rotate.......my sis..on the way to the boat house.....
Anna aka Bell Bell....

01 June 2009


Hey there!

How have everyone been? I haven't being writing any post for quite some time. Was facebooking and it was bored so, why not I just write a post on how my holiday has been so far! Cheers!

Hmmmm...holiday this time has been quite bored, maybe I'm use to the busy and tiring KL life...so with so much time thrown at me all of a sudden ...I just felt so bored... It is not that I don't have anything to do... but just nothing to juggle with... well just things to make me busy... at here things just come one after another...my typical day during holiday is

8.30am = wake up
8.45am - 9.30am/10.00am = house work (washing clothes, laundry, etc etc) and devotion
10.00am - 11.00am = breakfast with daddy
11.00am - 5.00pm = look after parents's shop, play computer, watch movies....hahahah...
5.00pm - 6.00pm = wait for mum to pick me or a bit of shopping with mum (usually buy dinner)
6.00pm - 8.00pm = cook dinner, bath, practice guitar...play computer...heheeh
8.00 pm - 9.00pm = guitar lesson on monday and thursday or if I'm ready for lesson....
10.00pm - 12.00am = computer or spend time communicating with my sisters and brothers..(talk, laugh, argue...do mask..watch movie, annoy my mum...ahhaha....)
12.00am onwards = sleep.....

While at KL there is just so much things to do all at the SAME TIME....

Well since the school holidays has start (I mean my brothers' and sisters' school holidays) there will be more time for me..... so need to put more activities to spend with them..... will be meeting my friends tomorrow...finally.....outing with friends....

Had outing (picnic) with the youth and the english congregration last saturday...well....I was bored throughout the whole picnic can't connect with anyone...felt weird....Thanks to Uncle Francis dog...ahhaha...at least I had a bit of workout by walking the dog 3 times throughout the whole picnic....ahhahaha......

The only productive thing that I'm doing now is by having guitar lesson.... Alex is a good teacher...hahah...his lesson time is also very very very flexible...lol.... my guitar skills has improve... I now know an extra of a lot of chords heheehe... a very big thanks to Alex for being willing to take time out to teach me... even when your tired after working the whole day! Thanks....heheh...lol....

Hmmm.....GTG now...my mum wanna play Zuma...hahaah...she just love the game... am happy that she can get some entertaiment and relax....Thanks mum for the hard work.....

Anna aka Bell Bell