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30 August 2010

Observation report which turn into something else...

Morning world!

The date today is 30th of August 2010 and I will be having my 2nd observation with Puan Rahmah in 1 Budi class.

Life have been different this semester. I have moved out of college resulting in lesser activities to be commit to but I'm doing my practical semester resulting in bigger challenges that I need to overcome and walk through.

Sometimes, I feel like I have taken the wrong road, maybe I have accepted the wrong course, maybe I should have just entered into Multimedia College to do computer science in 2005 instead of studying form 6 or maybe I should have accepted the offer to UTP (University Technology Petronas) to do Business Technology Management in 2007 and not UM.

If I have only taken any of this turning or junction during my life time, I will be experiencing a totally different environment. I was super happy with UTP when I had my interview there, I love the landscape, the building design, the library was beautiful and since it is located a distance away from the nearest town area the surrounding was mostly green, quiet and peaceful. I really consider entering into UTP.

Anyway, coming to look at my life now... it could have been any better.... no matter which choice I made, I am 100% sure I did the right things even though sometimes I do wonder.... Looking at my current situation, yes! I do have problems to look into and things to do and a busy schedule but life couldn't have been better....

1 thing that I really thank God for after my family are...

You guys are are next after my family, you all colour my life, give me advise, do funny, crazy, weird (most of the time is me) things together. The outings we had Penang, Malacaa, Singapore, Malayisa Gold Coast are events that I'll always cherish. Times when we would tease and bully each other..... Lolx..... Yes, we do misunderstood each other sometimes, argue but relationship without conflicts will never grow strong as conflicts helps us know each other better... I love you all... E12, housemates, coursemates, etc...

time to go...
need to get ready for school and today's observation....
do pray for me!

Hugs and kisses!

Anna aka Bell Bell

Jungle trackwalking 10.07.10

Jungle tracking or should I say jungle walking.
I had fun enjoying nature and the pretty view it offers.
Me and Li Chin got out from the wrong side of the jungle,
BUT we found our way out and managed to take a few photo shots on the way. 

Anna aka Bell Bell

29 August 2010

A night at Malaysia Gold Coast 26.06.10

Malaysia Gold Coast!
Spent a night at the beach!

Anna aka Bell Bell

Girls Night! 01.06.10

Girls Night!

Anna aka Bell Bell

House Warming 08.05.10

Woot! This is the place that I'm staying now.... bye bye 7th college!
Will cherish and always remember the good old days I had at 7th college.
But for now, let's enjoy and appreciate my time at Lot.61.

Anna aka Bell Bell

Malacca Trip with E12 - 24.01.10

My second time to Malacca with my beloved CG (Cell Group) E12!
We had fun that day, eating non-stop, laughing, joking and walking around Jongker Street.

Welcome! :)
Just arrived, group photo first. Cheese!
Peace and beauty
Chicken rice balls.... 
Liked the way the arrange the art work, brighten up the whole shop.
No, I only ate 1 bowl of cendol....
I was a like.... so nice... I want... 
So I got one.... and had a memorable experience eating it with my bro.
Nat do model well. Thumb ups!
A must take picture!
Another shot of this river.....
There were over 7 to 8 shot for this....
One more...
Just look at how drama we were....

Had a great trip, will be posting about Penang trip with E12 soon. :)

Anna aka Bell Bell

Asia Conference 2010 - 26.05.10 till 31.05.10

A trip to Singapore for Asia Conference 2010. 
Presence of God was AWESOME! 
The word of God was very encouraging and elevated me in my walk with God.

Great friendship was also build as I was able to spend time with some friends that I have not meet before.
Looking forward to Asia Conference 2012!

Anna aka Bell Bell