Have you ever thought about what will become of your life in just a short period of 5 years?
Well, I do think of the 5 year. However, most of the time it would be about the 5 years past not the future 5 years.
My life have definitely been different for the past 5 years. First of all, this year 2015 is officially my 3rd complete cycle of being a teacher.
I remember in the year 2012 when I was posted back hometown. I always wonder, 🎵~I wonder how, I wonder why~🎶 Lol.... Hahhaha....
I always wonder if I will turn into a teacher that is not relevant to her students😨, or a teacher that always seems to be lost not knowing what is happening to her world.😑 Worst still..... A teacher with mood swing.... 😤
Till now... I still don't know what type of a teacher I am. Do I terrify the students I teach ? Do they gossip behind me?
I find it hard to be the real me sometimes just to be honest. Can't run from people who judge.
Anyway, this is just a random post. Thanks for reading.